Elder Justin Jacobson ~ CALLED TO SERVE ~ Guatemala Retalhuleu Mission September/2010 - 2012

First Area: La Grandeza,
Companion: Elder Heywood 11/9/2010 -3/15/2011
Companion: Elder Tadeo 3/15/2011-4/5/2011
Second Area: Central,
Companion: Elder Platero 4/5/2011-4/26/2011
Companion: Elder Lira 4/26/2011-6/7/2011
Third Area: San Pablo (in Malacatan),
Companion: Elder Altamirano 6/7/2011-7/19/2011
Companion: Elder Matute 7/19/2011-10/11/2011

Fourth Area: San Sebastian
Companion: Elder Platero 10/11/2011-02/15/2012
Fifth Area: Pueblo Nuevo
Companion: Elder Jack 02/15/2012-
Companion: Elder Velasquez -08/30/2012
Companion: Elder Ortega 08/30/2012-09/13/2012

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bright Future

Well in case any one is wondering i got punched in the face on the bus this morning. but i guess thats what i should expect when i go around slappin some fools in the face every time they talk fast. the good news is a black eye never killed anyone. the bad news is that the medicine that they make people take when they have black eyes contains peacock urine, which has been proven fatal for humans. so whats the moral of the whole story. NEVER drink peacock urine.
well things are lookin good here in pueblito nuevo. Our family came to church again. they are super close to accepting baptism, they just have a few doubts they cant get over. i think mainly its because they have already been baptized once. i can understand that it would be super hard to overcome a doubt like that, especially because they say that their baptism was something super special for them. sometimes i imagine what i would say if someone told me i had to be baptized again. i imagine i would just start throwing together a long string of profanity. ha but they have felt the spirit and know that what we say is true. we just gotta keep working with them and praying.
i learned a good lesson this week. lately i have felt a little bit stressed out. sometimes its hard to go so long without much success, especially since we havent really had success in the whole district and suposedly its partly my responsability to help everyone baptize. but last night i was thinking about what has been going on in these areas and i realized that things are actually looking really good. in that instant my mind was illuminated and i was taken to a high mountain. ha well not really like that. but i just decided to see things more with an eye of faith rather than with doubt. after that i noticed that i had been living really pesimisticly these past few days, or weeks maybe. i havent been joking around with my comp or with the members. ive been basically only focusing on the few bad things and not noticing all the good. so since then ive been trying to see the good in everything, and it feels great. its like i lifted a weight off my shoulders that i was carrying just because i wanted to. so maybe that will help in life. if we feel really stressed out, just try to see things from an eternal perspective and know that all will be well in the end.
on thursday we had a way good conference with Presidente Maravilla. he talked about faith, then he talked about the atonement. it was such a powerful teaching. its crazy how we always talk about how important the atonement is, but i think we dont even really understand what it is. but it was a good conference, i came out with more animo to keep working and to do better in my area. my comp is getting a little bit ready to be in his house. its kind of hard, but also kind of good because it makes it so i cant get lazy. we are both working hard and enjoying our work. im learning alot. life is good what more can i say.
i love you all. hope you enjoy the final days of summer. just think a long cold winter is right around the corner. bwahahaha. have a good week and do work. good buy. or as they say here in "guate" Adios to you mi amigo
Elder Jacobson

bye the way, i spelled buy rong on purpose to make you all laugf. im not as stupid as i make you all think

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